Sunday, April 8, 2012

Mr. Darcy and Mr. Bingley Visit, Again...

Around two days ago, Mr. Bingley, accompanied by Mr. Darcy, arrived in Longbourn. As soon as they arrived, they and the family took a long stroll. During the walk, Darcy and Elizabeth tended to remain farther back than the rest of the group for what, I presume, was a discussion about a potential marriage between the two. The following day, Darcy approached me and asked for my daughter's hand in marriage. At first, I did not believe that Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth truly loved one another, so I consulted with Elizabeth, and she told me about his selfless actions regarding paying off Wickham to marry Lydia. From that point, I was convinced that Darcy is a suitable match for my daughter, and I, accordingly, permitted the marriage.


  1. Pardon me, Darcy is certainly not suitable for Lizzy. He is much to arrogant. Also, he is so rude. Lizzy would not be happy in that marriage.

  2. Thank you father for viewing Darcy as a suitable man. I really appreciate you listening to me because what I say is the truth. Sooner, rather than later, you will see that Darcy is such an exceptional man and that he will treat me better than no other. What I do not understand though is how you could have possibly thought that Darcy and I were talking about potential marriage between us. That is to say, I am not denying the fact that we did speak about that topic.
