Sunday, April 1, 2012

I Return Home to Fortunate News...

It has been two days since I returned from my and Mr. Gardiner's seemingly futile search for Lydia and Wickham. Fortunately, today, I received word from my dear comrade and brother, Mr. Gardiner, that Lydia and Wickham have been found. In the letter I just recently received, Mr. Gardiner says that Wickham and Lydia have not yet wed, and, to marry Lydia, Wickham is requesting some money. Thankfully, Mr. Gardiner is paying the requested amount, and I will promptly reimburse him for his efforts and money expended on Wickham.  Meanwhile, Mrs. Bennet is positively overjoyed at the prospect of Lydia marrying Wickham, despite his status a true scoundrel. I often wonder why I ever married that woman...


  1. It is quite unfortunate that they have yet to wed, considering their eloping. Although Mr. Wickham is requesting a generous sum of money, he has kept it at a reasonable amount. Considering our desperation for Lydia to marry, you'd think he'd be smart enough to request just enough to pay his debts to those he has borrowed from. Some people never learn. Whatever, YOLO.

  2. I'm so relieved that Lydia has been found safe and sound. It would have been devastating is she wasn't found. She seems alright on her own though which is reassuring yet worryful simultaniously. I hope Mr. Wickham and Lydia return safely and wed happily.
