Monday, March 12, 2012

Darcy, the Heartbreaker...

Recently, I received another letter from Elizabeth informing me of her experiences in Rosings and Hunsford. For one, she informed me that Darcy's cousin, a colonel named Fitzwilliam, may have an interest in her. Elizabeth tells me that she continually encounters him around Rosings, and, one time, as they were talking, Colonel Fitzwilliam mentioned that Darcy recently saved a friend from an imprudent, irrational marriage. From this, Elizabeth inferred that Darcy played a role in the failed relationship between her sister, my daughter, and Mr. Bingley. To make matters worse, according to the letter I recently received, Darcy apparently proposed to Elizabeth. Elizabeth, being obstinate as usual, rejected the proposal and questioned Darcy about his role in Jane and Bingley's relationship. Consequently, Darcy divulged his plan to separate Bingley and Jane. This is severely disappointing and makes me dislike Darcy more than I ever have before.

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