Monday, March 12, 2012

Darcy's Letter...

From the letter I very recently received from my dear daughter, Elizabeth, I am learning of the various happenings at Rosings and Hunsford. According to the letter, most recently, Darcy, running into Elizabeth in the garden, handed a letter to Elizabeth. In this letter, Darcy defends his actions to sabotage Jane and Bingley's relationship with the argument that marrying into a family of lower class was particularly inconvenient and cumbersome. I personally think this argument is a bunch of rubbish; why would Darcy do this, if not to cause detriment to people he views as inferior. I personally believe that it is people like Darcy who fuel the hate and conflict so present in this world.

1 comment:

  1. I feel like Mr.Darcy deserves a chance. It is unfair how Darcy judges before actually knowing, but it goes both ways. His motives could be completly different.
