Sunday, March 18, 2012

Darcy's Eye-Opening Letter

Around a week ago, Elizabeth gave me a letter given to her by Darcy. This letter is truly eye-opening and explains his rationale for ending Bingley's relationship with Jane, and it presents the truth about Wickham, who is more devious and dastardly than one might expect. First, the letter details why he separated Bingley and Jane. Darcy reasoned that because of the class difference between Bingley and Jane, a marriage between the two would cause an unneeded social burden. Additionally, Darcy further justifies his actions by saying that the two were not deep enough in love for a separation to cause heartbreak. Next, Darcy reveals Wickham's lies and paints a different, more devious picture of Wickham than Elizabeth originally possessed. Darcy says that he provided for Wickham after his father died, but Wickham, clearly disrespecting his benefactor, Darcy, married Darcy's sister, Georgiana, simply for the fortune she possessed. This letter was very shocking and gave me a new perspective on the unfortunate conflicts that include Mrs. Bennet, Wickham, Elizabeth, Jane, Bingley, and Darcy.


  1. The Letter I had rote does explain everything. It seems to me that you do indeed believe what I have written, but I would like to let you know that everything I wrote is 100% true. Hopefully you are not angry at me for separating Bingley from your daughter. As you tell in the letter, I had my reasons to do so. Also please keep Wickham away from Elizabeth, he is not the guy he seems to be.

  2. Trust me father, I was as astonished as you are right now when I first receieved this letter. I cannot believe that I trusted what Wickham had told me for so long, and I regret treating Darcy so poorly. I completely understand and respect Darcy's actions regarding Bingley and Jane, but I am not sure if it would be best to inform Jane of his actions or not. She has already endured much sorrow, and I do not wish to burden her even more.

  3. Father.

    This letter opened my eyes as well. For I did not believe Darcy's story at first, but when analyzing the behavior Wickahm displayed around Darcy, it all makes sense. However, I do no believe it was Darcy's prerogative to split Bingley and Jane no matter what he felt best. Jane is just shy, he shyness may have been what told Darcy that she was truly not in love with Bingley. Father, I am confused on my opinions about Darcy. One minute i despise the man and the next I don't think i could ever repay him for all the kindness he has bestowed upon me. Help me father to clear me head and think clearly, for I haven't thought clearly ever since Darcy stepped into my life.

  4. This letter I wrote was all true. By separating Jane and Bingley I saved a social disaster that would have ended badly. And as for Wickham he is truly a bad man and should be kept away from any of your daughters. I really hope you understand my reasons. Wickham is disrespectful and he never brings good into anyones lives.

  5. I'm glad people know the truth now. It hurt inside to have nobody to have sympathy for me. I really did love Jane. Darcy ended it, kind of...

  6. Father, as you have seen, this letter has opened my eyes to things I would have never suspected otherwise. I believe I am just as shocked as you are. His justifications for separating my loving sister and his dear friend do not excuse his actions, nor does the truth fix the damage it caused in the first place. On Wickham's account, I feel incredibly gullible for believing such bologna! Wickham provoked Darcy to do the things he has done, and he was right in his decision to completely disown him. Wickham was only harming their family more than helping. It is unfortunate that the public only has the awareness of Wickham's side.
