Monday, March 12, 2012

The Gardiners...

Today, my dear brother, Mr. Gardiner, came to town to visit me and my family. He and his wife are two very amiable, kindhearted people. As the Gardiners stayed at my home in Netherfield, they began to take notice of the depressed mood that Jane possessed(on account of Miss Bingley's letter), so, following their trip, they offered to take her back to their home in London. They believed that a change in scenery might lift her downtrodden spirits. Jane fullheartedly agreed, mainly because she wished to see Mr. Bingley, who is currently in London.


  1. Dear father, you are correct. My time away from longbourn will do me well. I can only hope that you and mother will not miss me too much. I am sure Mr. Bingly had good reasons for leaving without saying good bye and i can only hope to find out what they may be. Hopefully he is in good health and that was not his reasoning in leaving Neitherfield Park.

  2. We must be so grateful to have relatives like the Gardiners, and I am glad Jane has the chance to be by herself for some time. Unfortunately, only time can heal the pain she is dealing with right now, but Jane honestly does not deserve to endure any pain whatsoever. I wish I had the power to resolve each and every conflict of Jane's, but I do not; I have a better understanding of what occurred after reading Mr. Darcy's letter, but that cannot fix anything. I care so much for my sister, and I would do anything to erase the events which have caused so much grief in her innocent life.

  3. I cannot bear seeing you in such low spirits, Jane! Oh, it breaks my heart! You can go stay with my brother for as long as you need! Do get better.
