Monday, March 12, 2012

Elizabeth Visits Charlotte...

Today I received a letter from Elizabeth detailing her journey with Sir William Lucas to visit her newly married friend, Charlotte, in Hunsford. On the way, they stop in London, at the Gardiner residence, where Jane also resides.  There, to Elizabeth's and my dismay, Mrs. Gardiner informed Elizabeth of Wickham's encounters with other women, such as Miss King. After this, according to the letter I received, the two headed to Hunsford to visit Charlotte and Collins. Once they arrived, they were supposedly enthusiastically greeted by Charlotte. Later, after two days in Hunsford, Elizabeth encounters Collins' patroness, Lady Catherine de Bourgh. According to the letter I received from Elizabeth, Lady Catherine is an extremely unpleasant, condescending old hag who criticized my and my wife's parenting practices. The nerve of this Lady is enormous; she should neither be criticizing me nor my wife, as we are probably better parents than her.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I clearly remember Elizabeth visting me for a short time. She looked excited to see her friend. Eventhough she has one bad memory with Charlotte, their most loving and fondest memories clearly overpower it. Elizabeth obviously gained different perspectives of those she thought she knew well.
